October is the month in which we celebrate the rights and development of young girls in society. With this in mind, on October 07, 2023, the Non-Governmental Organization “SANG TABOU”, in its mission to raise awareness among Congolese girls and women of the existence of certain diseases linked to menstrual abnormalities, which are often ignored and whose sufferers remain taboo and have difficulty communicating on the subject, organized a raid at the Lycée Technique Bolingani to raise awareness among students in the final year of humanities on the theme: “Menstrual Hygiene and Menstrual Abnormalities“.

The conference was held in the large multi-purpose hall of the Lycée Téchnique BOLINGANI. At around 10:00 a.m., we kicked off our activity, which began with an opening speech by Ms Sandra MATEMDA, Founder of the NGO SANG TABOU;
The aim was to empower girls by providing information on personal menstrual hygiene and the symptoms of certain gynecological diseases expressed by menstrual disorders, and to detect alarming cases so as to direct them towards appropriate care.

A question-and-answer session that did not exhaust all the concerns of the girls, who were very interested and interactive, given the importance attached to the subject and the number of questions motivating us to be able to undertake more sessions in the future to inform girls, future mothers, so that they in turn become messengers of the Sang Tabou concept. In order not to waste time, some questions were noted on the back of the survey sheet, to be answered during the round table;

The session ended with the presentation of gifts containing SANG TABOU kits (underwear, perfume, raw and powdered soap, hygiene strips, panty liners) to the active pupils, and a batch of hygiene strips was distributed to the rest of the participants, followed by a family photo opportunity. Not forgetting a word of thanks from the Lycée Technique Bolingani authorities expressed through the students’ president thanking the NGO SANG TABOU for having chosen their school, but more particularly to the 6ᵉ year students.