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Who we are


Breaking the cycle

A non-governmental, non-profit organization called “SANG TABOU” was created to fight for the knowledge of the Congolese girl who is growing up in total ignorance of different diseases capable of breaking her femininity.

Our mission

To carry out actions to promote an integral development of the Congolese girl and woman as well as to learn to communicate faithfully without shame or fear to the people who are supposed to be able to help or assist her morally, psychologically, financially and physically.

Fields of Intervention


Strengthening the capacity of parents on life education for girls.


Citizen training, healthcare for young Congolese girls and women.


Provide information to the Congolese girl and woman on all the diseases she may face during her physical development.

The Non Governmental Organization “Sang Tabou” advocates on behalf of the Congolese girl’s knowledge of different diseases capable of breaking her femininity.

Recent Publications

Menstrual hygiene, menstrual abnormalities in young girls and their psychosocial impact
18 Dec

Menstrual hygiene, menstrual abnormalities in young girls and their psychosocial impact

With the aim of lifting the taboo surrounding menstruation, we're working hard to raise awareness among young girls of menstrual abnormalities and the importance of

Celebration of International Day of the Girl 12 October 2024
19 Oct

Celebration of International Day of the Girl 12 October 2024

This year's International Day of the Girl was marked at the NGO Sang TABOU by the presentation of its second round table edition. It's become

World Girls’ Day
11 Oct

World Girls’ Day

To mark World Girls' Day, the NGO Sang Tabou is organising an event that will bring together women and young girls around a round table

The alarming humanitarian crisis in eastern DRC calls for urgent action to help the displaced population.
26 Aug

The alarming humanitarian crisis in eastern DRC calls for urgent action to help the displaced population.

The NGO Sang Tabou has undertaken surveys on the menstrual hygiene management of displaced women and girls in the Don Bosco camp in Goma, responding

Because girls' health is precious