The eighth day of the month of July 2022, marks the official opening of the Non Governmental Organization Sang Tabou which begins with the sensitization of young girls and women to fibroids under the theme: “CONSEQUENCES OF UTERINE FIBROIDS”, which are benign tumors, but which can be dangerous because of their volumes, their vascularizations In total, we have sensitized more than 20 people during this day.

According to the research of some scientists, 70% of women over the age of 30 are affected by Uterine Fibroids, 50% of whom are black and 45% are African women.
In its publication of September 15, 2020, the World Health Organization classifies the fibroid as the second category of causes of infertility in women. Their sizes can be so small that they cannot be detected by the human eye and so large that they can dilate the uterus causing discomfort and some complication or even increased risk during a pregnancy. The fibroid can develop in any woman of childbearing age. They are hormone-dependent tumors, they depend on the hormones estrogen which at some stage can promote the appearance of fibroids.
Among the risk factors for fibroids, we have obesity as a major risk factor, unbalanced diet, hepatitis pathologies (related to the liver) and nulliparity. The clinical signs of fibroids are hypogastralgia (pain in the lower abdomen), abnormal bleeding. Management: ultrasound, celescopy, hysteroscopy and surgery which remains the definitive means to eradicate the fibroid.
Certain measures would prevent the occurrence of this pathology by limiting the consumption of foods that are destructive to the liver and avoiding foods rich in phyto-estrogens.
Apart from scientific testimonies, it is important that the girl finds herself through someone who has lived through the same experiences and has the facility to express herself freely on pain, the signs she notices in her body.