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Descent of december 18, 2022 at the fatima zahra orphanage

In the concern and love to give back the smile to the orphans, the Non-Governmental Organization Sang Tabou represented by its president Ms. Sandra Matenda as well as all the members of its team made a descent in the day of Sunday, December 18, 2022 at the Fatima Zahra Orphanage to celebrate together the end of year 2022 festivities as well as started the year 2023 in all beauty.

At the rendezvous, prayers, songs as well as poems in Arabic and French, a way for the children of the Orphanage Fatima Zahra to express their joys and welcomed this lady of heart who among his many occupations set aside to come and see them.

Indeed, the Non Governmental Organization Sang Tabou in its main objective, that of sensitizing the Congolese girl on the knowledge of the various diseases in connection with her reproductive system which are capable of breaking her femininity took advantage of this occasion to sensitize 6 young girls in age of procreation of the orphanage Fatima Zahra on the diseases related to the abnormality of the menstruation as well as on the intimate hygiene.

At the end of this sensitization, Mrs. Sandra Matenda, the President of the Non Governmental Organization SANG TABOU, promised to help the orphanage Fatima Zahra by taking care of some alarming cases identified during the exchange with these young girls.

It was in an atmosphere of joy and taking pictures of families that marked the closing of this visit.