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Decent at KILIMANI school

The Non-Governmental Organization “SANG TABOU” in its mission to raise awareness and sensitize Congolese girls and women on the existence of certain diseases related to menstrual abnormalities that are often ignored and people living with remains in the taboo and have difficulty communicating about this subject, made a visit to the KILIMANI school on May 28, 2023, to raise awareness among students in the final year of humanities (girls only) on the theme of “How to look after yourself during the menstrual period”, as we believe that intimate hygiene is essential for young girls and women who spend an average of 2,280 days of their lives menstruating.

La sensibilisation s’est déroulée dans une salle de classe au sein de l’école KILIMANI. Au total 54 élèves et 4 femmes encadreurs qui ont participé à cette sensibilisation, 3 facilitateurs Sang Tabou ont contribué au bon déroulement de cette sensibilisation et 7 Ambassadeurs SANG TABOU qui ont à tour de rôle développés le thème choisi permettant ainsi aux élèves de bien comprendre le sujet et de poser des questions dans le but d’être bien éclairé.

An atmosphere of joy, the sharing of gifts by the NGO SANG TABOU and the taking of family photos marked the closing of this awareness-raising event.