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Infertility Awareness Week

In this National Infertility Awareness Week, it’s important to recognize and support all women struggling with infertility, whether they talk about it or keep their struggles to themselves. To all those facing the disappointments and heartaches of infertility, we want…

sandra matenda sang tabou 08 mars

Closing of March

Ms Sandra Matenda, founder of the NGO SANG TABOU, joins you in celebrating the close of the month of March, dedicated to the promotion of women’s rights in all sectors throughout the world. We salute the commitment and determination of…

sensibilisation lycee bolingani (1) ong sang tabou

Raising awareness among students at Lycée Technique Bolingani

October is the month in which we celebrate the rights and development of young girls in society. With this in mind, on October 07, 2023, the Non-Governmental Organization “SANG TABOU”, in its mission to raise awareness among Congolese girls and…